where creatives, educators, moverS + activists meet to share anti-racism practices and build collective visions through creative authentic moveMEANT for a just and equitable world



oct 5 / HAWAI`I ONLY

Yoga Under the Palms Kakaʻako
1:00p - 5:30p


1:30p - 1:45p Opening

2:00p - 2:50p Waking Dreams w/
Nicole Maileen Woo
A communal practice of imagining and visioning our collective liberation. We will rest and reflect in the ethereal welling nature where dreams are born, stories are shared, and possibilities are seeded. Through writing, visual and movement prompts and practices, we’re invited to delight in our personal and global emerging imaginal futures. All ages.

3:00p - 3:50p Mind and Body w/ Alaina Cota
We will find the foundational origin of an emotion and create analogies, descriptive scenarios, or words that capture the essence of the emotion, to then link to movement in our bodies. Join us in unveiling our psyche without emotional damage, and sharing our human experience through physical movement. All ages.

4:00p - 4:50p Feel Good Floorwork w/
Chloe Groom
A deep warm up into a sensory class flows through strengthening and flexibility exercises that focus on building a strong core and foundational floorwork & contemporary dance technique. From combos, improvisation and choreography, students will build their movement toolkits and experiment with a broad kinesthetic scope of body awareness. This ambiguously named style of dance draws from jazz, urban forms and contact improv...Bring long pants and kneepads. Ages 10+.

5:00p - 5:15p Closing

ANTI-RACIST training
oct 5-6 / online

Anti-racist training with Dr. Akiemi Glenn The Pōpolo Project
9:00am-12:00pm HST / 3:00-6:00pm EST

Anti-racist training with Dr. Akiemi Glenn
9:00am-12:00pm HST / 3:00-6:00pm EST

*NYC participants are invited to attend our rehearsal on October 9th, featuring a Feldenkrais class with our collaborator Jason Vu to honor and take care of our bodies.


Families welcome!
All-ages activity- offered in the courtyard

Help make “wishing lei” for our upcoming 15th anniversary gala in NYC (October 2024) & Ho’olaule’a on O’ahu (Feb 2025)! We will help prep paper lei and inserts, and make 50 hilo twist lei with paper! Participants can write your wishes and intentions on the inserts and braid them into the lei. The lei collection will travel with the company to NYC & Brazil this fall, and back to Hawai’i next February. All materials provided- you are also encouraged to bring paper to be upcycled for this project.